It will all make sense one day.

Here's to all of those who are scared to let go of the toxic person in their life because of loneliness or what would they do in their life without them.
     We humans tend to be more humans than required. We get hurt again and again and we still decide to stay. People need people, but sometimes the cost is heavy one. This toxic person could be anyone in your life, not all is about love relationship, maybe its a friendship which is more toxic in your life.
   Occasionally there comes a moment in life when you deeply realize that your so called 'friend' isn't so really your friend. The kind of hatred and negativity that person has in his/her heart is irreplaceable. We face a lot of resistance when we try to let go of people. Calls, some memories are enough to reel us back in the same position. Removing that person out of your life for once and all, is what most of the people are scared of. At some point, you will think that, what will I do without him/her. At some you will be tired of holding unhealthy friendships. 
    You have to realize that you need to stop sacrificing yourself and your happiness for them. When you try to let go of them, don't be surprised if they reach out more than they usually would. They can sense that you're letting go of them. Have a one-on-one talk with them and frankly state what is in your heart. Do what is best for you. The entire process may seem immense but you need to remember that it this is the process of life. 'In life, we never lose friends, we only know learn who the real ones are'. Someday you will look back and it will all make sense and you will realize it was one of the best decision you have ever made in your life 



  1. This has been put together SO WELL, wow!🥺💘💯

  2. Definitely something people need to realise

  3. ♥️Everything is so relatable and so true♥️

  4. Oooof this was so good��very very well written��and the language...* chef's kiss * where's the subscribe button, I wanna read every single one of your blogs����

  5. Accurate enough.
    Pretty good 🌸♥️

  6. How can each and every word be soo accurate?😫
    This is such a reality check for the youth 🤭💯

  7. Well spoken 👐
    Maashaa Allah proud of you❤


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